The best Layerconcentrate from Europe

The best Broilerconcentrate from Europe

Wafi concentrates are produced in The Netherlands (E.U.) in a factory which is 100 % specialized in the production of concentrates for export purposes.

It is possible to produce the concentrates according to your own specification (custom-made) or according to Wafi standards which are developed by our nutritional experts. For the production of our concentrates, we are fully working to the latest E.U. regulations as well as for the use of the ingredients. Our production is under strict control of the NVWA (Dutch Veterinary Authority) and are GMP+ is FSA assured.

The main used sources of protein are of vegetable origin but for customers who desire the addition of animal protein, we can also use fishmeal of a high quality.

The standard packaging is laminated polypropylene bags, each bag containing 50 kgs. Different kind of packaging is possible on your demand. Usually we can load 21.500 kgs without pallets in one 20ft container.

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Why choose our layer products

Optimal base for the best results
High quality ingredients
Maximum shelf life
Easy to mix
Perfect egg weight & size
Perfect egg shell quality
Stimulates immune system
Packed in strong 25/50 kg paper or woven bags

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Other Layerproducts

Discover our other products. Specially composed according to the needs of the customer and animals.